Bytes of Spam 003 – What’s Up at the Codex?
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You’ve probably noticed that things have been a little quiet at the Ultima Codex this month, and indeed thus far in 2019. There wasn’t, for example, a Fan Project of the Year poll — and there probably won’t be, not that anyone has actually asked about this. And until this week, apart from Golem Dragon’s periodic coverage of Shroud of the Avatar, there also haven’t been any news articles posted.
The absence of news posts has been addressed somewhat as of today, but there’s a reason for the overall silence that has characterized the site since the dawn of 2019. And if you visit the Ultima 1, Ultima 2, Ultima 3, or Ultima 9 subdomains, you’ll probably get a sense of just what that reason might be.
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The Pirate and the Dancer by Rolemusic
The White Frame by Rolemusic

Things have been a little quiet at the Ultima Codex this month. Here’s why!