Byte-Sized Virtue S07E01 – So, You’ve Been Unvirtuous…
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It’s Advent again, and as we once again draw near to Christmas, that means that it’s time for another season of Byte-Sized Virtue episodes. This time around, for as many episodes as follow this one, we’ll be exploring a philosophical concept called unity of virtues, discussing why it’s important, and noting how this unity isn’t always present in the Eight Virtues of Ultima.
But to begin, Withstand the Fury Dragon — inspired by the fact that his second daughter just celebrated her First Reconciliation, one of the Sacraments of Catholicism — wonders: what does forgiveness look like in the context of the Eight Virtues? What happens when one violates one of them; how does one repent and make oneself right by it again? Is this even an option?
Valoria Ships, from the Ultima 9 Soundtrack

When you go against one of the Eight Virtues, how do you make yourself right with that Virtue again?