Byte-Sized Virtue S08E01 – Don’t Worry; I Have a Plan
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This season of Byte-Sized Virtue was largely inspired by the events that transpired in WtF Dragon’s household last week. Early in the week, one of his daughters complained of lower abdominal pain. She stayed home from school one day, improved and went to school the next…and then on Ash Wednesday, came home from school feeling ill again. The trip to the hospital resulted in a diagnosis of appendicitis, for which she underwent surgery on Thursday evening.
As these events played out, though, WtF Dragon encountered several practical examples of compassion; someone anonymously bought his wife lunch as she waited in the hospital, and friends and family rallied to offer their prayers…and to bring food to the house as well.
Thus, this season of Byte-Sized Virtue will focus not on any one of the Eight Virtues in particular, but on little ways to practice each of them in one’s everyday life.
Stones (Electro) by George Oldziey, from the Ultima 9 soundtrack.
Stones (Chamber) by George Oldziey, from the Ultima 9 soundtrack.

This season of Byte-Sized Virtue episodes won’t focus on one particular virtue in detail, but on practical examples of all of the Eight Virtues.