Byte-Sized Virtue S09E01 – The Easy Way Out
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The Christian liturgical season of Advent — the four weeks prior to Christmas, though in some Eastern and Orthodox traditions it is longer than that — is intended primarily as a season of penitence and preparation for the celebration of Christ’s birth; the Christmas season doesn’t actually begin until Christmas proper (and traditionally, Christmas decorations would have been downplayed or foregone until that time).
Rather than examine any one of the Eight Virtues of Ultima in particular this season, WtF Dragon instead wants to examine something that encompasses all of them and also relates to something he is undergoing in his own life at present: forgiveness and repentance. The central theme of this season of Byte-Sized Virtue will be to examine what it means to act against one or more of the Eight Virtues, and to ponder whether — within Ultima lore — there is a way back. If one acts against Compassion or Valor, is that a permanent and inexorable stain on one’s record…or is there a means by which one can be reconciled not only with those one has harmed by one’s actions, but with the virtue one has violated as well?
Yes, this is the same line of inquiry that was attempted around this time last year. Hopefully, this time around, there will be some actual exploration of the topic, rather than just a pair of hastily-produced episodes.
That said, this episode actually focuses on the character of Kylo Ren, a key antagonist in the newest trilogy of Star Wars films. Hopefully this examination of the means by which Ben Solo could be redeemed serves as a pivot into the discussion of the topic highlighted above…though that will have to wait for future episodes.
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Good End Game, from the Ultima 9 Soundtrack by George Oldziey

‘Tis the season…for another series (hopefully longer-lived) of musings on the Eight Virtues.