Byte-Sized Virtue S10E01 – A Time of Sacrifice and Humility
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This season of Byte-Sized Virtue should have kicked off in mid-February, right around the time of Ash Wednesday; typically, the even seasons of BSV run during the Lent and Easter seasons of the Catholic liturgical calendar. Normally, Lent is a time of penance and fasting; people will give up otherwise good things they normally enjoy as a reminder that “man does not live on bread alone”, and as a sign of penance and remorse for their sins.
This particular Lent, however, turned out to be rather a lot…Lentier, if you will, than in prior years. The global coronavirus pandemic has closed businesses, schools, and even churches. This, in turn, brought about many challenges in the household of your host, WtF Dragon; while he was already set up to work from home, there was certainly an uptick in the level of activity in the house as all of his kids transitioned into doing their schoolwork from home, to say nothing of the upheaval in the spiritual life of the family; streaming the Mass might be more intimate in some ways, but it’s a poor substitute for the real thing.
So it is now just past Easter, and this tenth season of BSV is only just getting started. The initial plan had been to focus on each of the Eight Virtues in turn, looking at one a week, but the current situation suggests that two Virtues in particular would make for a better focus: Sacrifice, and Humility.
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Minoc Positive, from the Ultima 9 Soundtrack by George Oldziey
New Magincia End, from the Ultima 9 Soundtrack by George Oldziey

As the world waits out a viral pandemic, two of the Eight Virtues seem especially relevant to put into practice.