Spam Spam Spam Humbug 125 – Podcast at “The Pod”
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Podcast Topic(s)
Withstand the Fury is joined by Draxenath this week, with WtF chiming in from the far distant northern extremes of the province of Alberta…or, at least, from the Podollan Pub in Fort McMurray. And you can thank the waitress there for suggesting the name of the episode; who knew the bar’s nickname was “The Pod”?
For their part, WtF and Drax start by discussing the history of internet technology, and how connectivity speeds have changed for the better over the last couple of decades. Draxenath also remarks upon the significant differences between Asian countries and North America where evolution of internet technology is concerned.
From there, the conversation turns to memory cards and camera technologies, and how these have changed over that same period of the last couple of decades. There’s some reminiscing about utilities like VirtualDub and Daemon Tools, and the once-arduous process of media conversion (as well as the still-arduous process of recovering data from corrupted optical media). Compared to modern solutions — Plex, for example — the hoops we once had to jump through to just have a few watchable movies on our personal computers seem grueling.
Draexnath then goes a bit futurist and brings up flying cars, including the current offering in that space (the Pal-V Liberty), which she likens to a vehicle from 1987’s The Highwayman. WtF, meanwhile, having recently attended a county fair and taken in its fairgrounds, reminisces about The Explorers, a probably-not-as-good-as-is-remembered science fiction film from the 1980s.
Also: For a real nostalgia trip, check out this early Star Wars screen test in which Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill banter about the fate of Alderaan and what to do with the Death Star plans.
Community & Patronage
And, as always, this episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our co-producers: Seth, Goldenflame, Chris, Brickbat, Dominik, Violation, Cranberry, Christopher, Bruce, Dark Wraith Dragon, Helgraf, Gronkh, Pascal, and Thorwan.
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Because sometimes the best internet connectivity in a small, somewhat remote city…is at the local bar.