Spam Spam Spam Humbug 135 – 2020: The Year of Finishing Games
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Podcast Topic(s)
This is a lengthy episode, and — correspondingly — covers a number of topics. It begins with Harmony Dragon and Sir Klaus Dragon discussing old gaming systems and games, completionist playstyles, and the joy of immersing oneself in a game’s world without really feeling the need to progress through its plot.
The overarching theme of the podcast, though, is goals and expectations — gaming-related, naturally — for 2020. For Harmony, the big expectations are games that have not previously enjoyed North American releases finally coming to the continent; Phantasy Star Online, Sakura Wars, and Super Robot Wars are singled out in particular. For Klaus, Personal 5 Royal and the upcoming Final Fantasy 7 remake are of particular interest. Some shade gets thrown at Nintendo for their more “family friendly” policies in the 80s and 90s, which have very obviously been relaxed in recent years.
Klaus’ main goal, gaming-wise, for 2020 is to actually finish a game…Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, in particular. This is a theme that comes up again as Ocho Dragon joins in the conversation; Ocho’s goal is to finish The Witcher 3 this year. Klaus also mentions looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077, which digresses into a discussion about how older games (electronic and physical alike) imagined that the technology of their “future” (read: today) would be. WtF Dragon cites an old educational game — Eagle Eye Mysteries by Stormfront Studios — as an example here, especially regarding the interesting tablet-like devices that game’s protagonists used. Returning to the topic of Cyberpunk, the group wonders what its direct competitors will be, and whether it will live up to the hype.
Goldenflame Dragon pops in to mention his 2020 gaming goal: finishing Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. WtFD, for his part, also wants to finish a game within the year: Mass Effect: Andromeda. There’s a side discussion about the Nintendo Switch and why it’ almost the ideal “on the go” gaming platform, and the episode closes out with a discussion of a post-Endgame Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the coming addition of the X-Men thereto.
Community & Patronage
And, as always, this episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our co-producers: Seth, Goldenflame, Chris, Brickbat, Dominik, Violation, Cranberry, Christopher, Bruce, Dark Wraith Dragon, Helgraf, Gronkh, Pascal, and Thorwan.
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