Spam Spam Spam Humbug: Episode 75 – Revenge of the Podcast

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This episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug is brought to you by our Patreon backers; thank you to everyone who supports Spam Spam Spam Humbug and the Ultima Codex by that means. And, as always, a hearty thank you to our Patreon co-producers: Seth, Dominik, Chris, Violation, Adam, Avatar’s Radio, Erik, Thorwan, Pascal, Neil, Helgraf, and Aaron.
New Patrons
This is actually a bit overdue, but an anniversary episode is a fitting opportunity to call it out: Rustic Dragon, via the Hearth of Britannia, is now one of our backers! Huge thanks to Rustic and the Hearth for their support.
New Ultima Dragons
Facebook: Vincent, Antonia, Jonathan, Jaden, Petri, William, Glen, Matt
Google+: Aaron
Podcast Topic(s)
Spam Spam Spam Humbug was launched two years ago as of this week; the first episode was published on March 16, 2015. The first few episodes were a bit rough, just me narrating my way through random bits of tech and geek news that crossed my newsfeed. But, by the fourth episode, Boolean Dragon and Linguistic Dragon had signed on as contributors, and…well…the rest is all on record, isn’t it?
Or, well, no, we don’t release on vinyl. It’s on…ones and zeroes, mostly. And by mostly, I mean entirely.
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