Spam Spam Spam Humbug 94 – The Lost Richard Garriott Interview
A previously unpublished 2014 interview with Richard Garriott, in which he discusses Ultima 9, Ultima X, Shroud of the Avatar, and other things besides.
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Podcast Topic(s)
Back in 2014, I had a lengthy chat with Richard Garriott on the occasion of Ultima 9’s 15th anniversary. Even recording the interview was a bit of a challenge; I wound up having to record audio off of my phone on the built-in microphone on my laptop. As such, the audio quality is…not all that great.
But the interview itself is fantastic. In addition to talking about Ultima 9 and its development history, the iterations of its story, and the internal politics at Origin Systems and Electronic Arts, we get into a discussion about the cancelled Ultima X, and (of course) about Shroud of the Avatar. Richard Garriott even explains, quite pointedly, just how the lore of Shroud of the Avatar connects to that of Ultima, and how we can understand the relationship between Novia (the setting of Shroud of the Avatar) and Britannia.
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A previously unpublished 2014 interview with Richard Garriott, in which he discusses Ultima 9, Ultima X, Shroud of the Avatar, and other things besides.