Spam Spam Spam Humbug 82 – First Fan Projects
Let’s talk about our first Ultima fan projects, our first explorations of programming, and/or our first experiences messing with a game’s editing toolkit.
Let’s talk about our first Ultima fan projects, our first explorations of programming, and/or our first experiences messing with a game’s editing toolkit.
For lack of any decided-upon topic, we instead talk about random bits of gaming news…notably, the Nintendo Switch and Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Withstand the Fury Dragon looks back at Ultima Forever a bit after the one-year anniversary of its shutdown.
E3 has come and gone. There were actually some pretty neat things presented thereat, albeit EA has once again refused to announce a new single-player Ultima.
In which Withstand the Fury Dragon geeks out for a bit about Mass Effect 4 and Ultima 6, and muses upon the future of the Ultima Codex.
Do video games really need to grow up? Are they mostly just immature power fantasies at present, or are they vehicles for philosophy and mature storytelling?